Climate change


VisioTerra staged data from the IPSL model as part of the 6th IPCC study (CMIP6).

Three variables are considered :
  • precipitation ( PR )
  • minimum nighttime temperatures ( TMIN
  • maximum daytime temperatures ( TMAX ).

Two scenarios are illustrated :
  • SSP245  corresponding to average  socio-economic pathways  (SSP) and a radiative forcing  (RCP) of 4.5 W/m² moderate
  • SSP585  corresponding to an immoderate use of fossil fuels as is currently the case  

The graph shows the evolution of the variable by smoothing the annual values of the model over 31 years. The values are calculated on the area delimited in black only (spatial aggregation). The images show the evolution of the variable over the years.

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Climate change from 1950 to 2100



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