VisioTerra open platform
Client-server system allowing to scan free data from the Web, to visualize them in 2D/3D in all browsers, to process them on the fly, to share and to export the selected data.
A Data Processing Relay solution to offer, even at low Internet speed, the desired information on its area of interest and extracted from petabytes of data.
Designed globally to act locally:
a few clicks to view / process / share / export free data
access the big data of Earth observation satellites, weather and climate models, biogeophysical or socio-economic models
in 2D or 3D to visualize images, altimetric profiles or scalar values
near-real-time current and archive data to reconstruct and analyse changes
take advantage of VisioTerra's inventions
hyperlooks to share immediately with communities, build galleries, course materials, demonstrations...
animations of time series or multi-sensor views or differentiated treatments
POF ML (Processing On-the-Fly Macro-Language) scripts to invent and share processing